Nov 30, 2017
Interview with Wayne Breitbarth: Wayne and Tony continue their discussion about getting found on LinkedIn and Wayne's keywork worksheet.
Nov 30, 2017
Interview with Wayne Breitbarth: Wayne discusses his worksheet on the key to winning the “being found” part of the LinkedIn game and having the right keywords in your profile. The worksheet is designed to help jumpstart your thought process as you begin to beef up your profile with keywords.
Nov 29, 2017
Interview with Rich Lavinski: Rich continues offering ways of expressing gratitude year-round as a habit!
Nov 29, 2017
Interview with Rich Lavinski: Rich discusses ways of expressing gratitude and thankfulness in a consulting career. He reminds us how important expressing gratitude is.
Nov 27, 2017
Interview with Don Philabaum: Don and Tony discuss ways of finding out what a student might be good at and what he or she might not be good at and how to lean towards courses that would reinforce those attributes.